[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1656KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 92(4): 381-386, 1991

Original article


The First Department of Surgery, Yamaguchi University School of Medicine, Ube, Japan

Motonori Okino, Hiroshi Tomie, Hirohiko Kanesada, Masaru Marumoto, Nobuyoshi Morita, Kensuke Esato

The correlation between the dose of menatetrenone and the incidence of post-laparotomy peritoneal adhesion in Ryan's model was investigated with the use of rats. In the menatetrenone treated group, the menatetrenone was intramuscularly given in a dosage of 10mg immediately after closure of the abdominal wound and every 24 hours for two days. In this group, the incidence of ceco-colonic adhesion was 54% (20/37), whereas the incidence in non-treated group was 26% (10/39) (p<0.012). Especially in cases with an airdrying time of 1~2 minutes, the difference between incidences of ceco-colonic adhesion in the menatetrenone and that of the non-treated group was high. The former incidence was 61% (17/28) and that of the latter was 21% (6/29) (p<0.01). In addition, the incidence of peritoneal adhesion was proportionally dose-dependent to the menatetrenone. In our clinical retrospective study, the incidence of post-gastrectomy adhesive ileus increased with menatetrenone treatment to a significant degree. It is concluded that prophylactic administration of a large dose of menatetrenone should be avoided, because the incidence of post-laparotomy peritoneal adhesion could be increased.

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