[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1575KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 91(11): 1731-1735, 1990

Original article


*) The First Department of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan
**) Uji Hospital, Kyoto, Japan

Michinori Matsui*), Osamu Kojima*), Tetsuro Yamane*), Toshio Takahashi*), Yukio Tamura**), Yoichi Takemoto**), Norio Kageyama**)

In order to elevate the detection rate of breast cancer in mass-screening, we examined whether the C-mode display ultrasonography is useful for detection of breast cancer.
1) Diagnostic sensitivity of C-mode ultrasonography was 88.2%, specificity was 66.7% and predictive value was 58.8%, respectively.
2) The detection rate of C0 mode ultrasonography was 100% for tumors more than 5.0cm, 87.5% for 2.0~5.0cm, 74.2% for less than 2.0cm. Especially,the diagnostic value of lesser than 1.0cm breast cancer was high, 66.7%.
3) In findings of C-mode ultrasonography, images characteristic of carcinoma can be obtained regarding their unclear margin (70.6%), heterogenous (88.2%) and hypoechoic (70.6%) internal echoes and malignant halo (61.8%). Our present data suggest that C-mode ultrasonography is very useful for the mas screening for breast cancer.

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