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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 88(8): 962-969, 1987
Original article
The immunologic characteristics of primary cell culture of regenerating mouse liver cells is described. The DNA synthesis of regenerating Iiver cells isolated after 70% partial hepatectomy was found greater than that without partial hepatectomy. Increased level of stimulated DNA synthesis was noted on 3rd day posthepatectomy, with the highest levels noted on the 4th day. The Ievel of
3Hthymidine incorporation became apparent on day 3 of culture, reaching maximum on day 6 and gradually decreasing there after. Dexamethazone added to the medium increased the attachment rate of liver cells to the culture plate. Insulin and epidermal growth factor added to the medium did not result in any increased DNA synthesis of the liver cells at day 4 of the culture but manifested its effect at day 10. When various cells which were treated with mitomycin C were co-cultured with the liver cells, both normal and regenerating liver cells were suppressed by the addition of normal spleen cells. The degree of suppression was more marked in the culture with regenerating liver cells. When cultured with other immune competent cells, there was no significant difference between the two groups. This suggests that the suppressive activity of the immune competent cells on the cultured regenerating liver cells was not genetically determined.
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