[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4326KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 88(2): 143-151, 1987

Original article


Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan

Nagahisa Oshima

Twenty-two anesthetized open-chest mongrel dogs were studied to evaluate the effect of dobutamine,dobutamine and diltiazem on the ischemic-reperfused myocardium assessed by cardiac function, myocardial metabolism such as tissue ATP, Ca and water content and ultrastructure.
The left anterior descending coronary artery was ligated for 40 minutes and then reperfused for 15 minutes. Experiments were devided into 3 groups by infusion of physical saline solution (C), dobutamine 5μg/kg/m in (DOB) and dobutamine 5μg/kg/min+diltiazem 0.1mg/kg bolus IV at the beginning of reperfusion and followed by continuous infusion with 30μg/kg/min (DOB+D) during reperfusion period.
DOB increased SAP and CI, however it also increased heart rate. CI, LVSWI and coronary blood fiow in non ischemic area increased signifficantly in DOB+Dthan either C or DOB.
Myocardial ATP in the ischemic endocardium was much more preserved in DOB and DOB+D than C. Myocardial Ca and water content were lower level in DOB+D, but not signithcantly differenct among 3 groups. Mitochondrial score by Sunamori’s method in DOB+D was higher than that in C (p<0.05).
These results suggest that low dose of dobutamine during reperfusion is effective to enhance hemodynamic parameters without deterioration of myocardial metabolism, and furthermore combined use of dobultamine and dilitiazem is more effective to protect myocardial metabolism and ultrastructure from reperfusion damage in addition to improvement of hemodynamic parameters.

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