[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1808KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 84(1): 74-79, 1983

Original article


Depaelment of Surgery (1), Kanazawa University School of Medicine, Kanazawa, Japan

Yukimitsu Kawaura, Yoshio Kaneko, Takashi Iwa

Twenty dogs were divided into four groups. Group A; IVH without Fat emulsion was performed transvenously. Group B: IVH with Fat emulsion transvenously. Group C; IVH without Fat emulsion transportaly. Group D: IVH with Fat emulsion transportally. Infusion dose was for 24 hours. The results were as follows ; 1) Blood sugar and L.R.I. : In group B and D, both blood sugar and I.R.I. reached the peak at the 24th hour. However, in the 1st week, they became normal value, In group D, Blood sugarw as higher than that in group B, but l.R.I. value was lower. 2) Free fatty acid (FFA) : In group A and C, FFA were gradually increased, but in group B and D, they reached the preoperative value in the 1st week. In group D, it was lower than that in group B. 3) Histological findings of the liver In group A-D, lobular necrosis and fat degeneration were seen. In this study, we emphasized that transportal hyperalimentation with fat emulsion as the treatment of acute pancreatitis was physiologicaly effective especialy in control of blood sugar and inhibition of lipolysis

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