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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 105(5): 334-338, 2004

Feature topic


Emeritus Professor, Jikei University, School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Teruaki Aoki

Medical education, in general, should be a continuous and life-long persistent training for the purposes to be reached through the education of humanity and medical techniques which are the arts based on the sciences whichever originated from the western or eastern world histories.
These training started from the student life through the termination of medical profession, especially in the field of surgery, the medical doctors are the only existence to be allowed to insult human body even for the purpose of treatment. These facts should be learned through well-trained experienced teachers with ethics, theories and evidence based medicine. The new training curriculum for 5 years program of the surgical specialties in Japan has built up and started just two years ago to be successful supported not only by medical teachers but also by the government and civilian economical foundations. A sort of national board of medical specialties is necessary system to develop general medical care system with effective specializations.

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