[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3483KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 102(4): 358-362, 2001

Case report


1) Department of Surgery, Iwate Prefectural Miyako Hospital, Miyako, Japan
2) Department of Pathology, Iwate Prefectural Central Hospital, Morioka, Japan

Toshimichi Sugawara1), Mari Kamei1), Masao Sato1), Katu Suzuki1), Nobuyuki Okada1), Sadahide Ono2)

Multiseptate gallbladder is an extremely rare congenital anomaly. We report three cases of this clinical entity. The third patient, a 70-year-old male who was asymptomatic with this condition, also had a gallbladder carcinoma.
The three surgically removed gallbladders had multiple thin septa with a honeycomb appearance. Histologically, the septa contained a muscular layer that was continuous with the gallbladder wall. Further more, in the third patient, mucinous cystadenoma with focal carcinomatous change in the epithelium was observed.
To our knowledge, this is the first description of a multiseptate gallbladder with carcinoma.

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