[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1897KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 99(7): 446-451, 1998

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1) Department of Surgery, Osaka Teishin Hospital
2) Roswell Park Memorial Institute
3) Department of Surgery II, Osaka University Medical School
4) Department of Surgery, Toyonaka Municipal Hospital
5) Department of Surgery, Nishinomiya Prefectural Hospital

Takushi Monden1), Akinao Haba2), Masahiro Amano3), Toshiyuki Kanoh1), Masaki Tsujie3), Kimimasa Ikeda4), Hikaru Izawa5), Tadashi Ohnishi3), Mitsugu Sekimoto3), Naohiro Tomita3), Jun Okamura1), Morito Monden3)

We analyzed PyNPase expression discriminating between cancer and tumor stroma of the colorectum by Western blotting using a newly developed extraction method from microdissected tissue sections fixed with buffered formalin. Analysis of 98 colorectal cancers revealed that PyNPase was as high as 70.2±18.5 unit/mg protein in the stroma fraction (SF), whereas it was 45.1±10.5 in the cancer fraction (CF) (p<0.0001). Vessel density was correlated with PyNPase in the SF but not in the CF. In stage IIIb, 11 cases expressing a high level of PyNPase in the CF showed poorer prognosis than 10 cases with low-level PyNPase expression (p<0.05), although the level of PyNPase expression in the SF did not affected the patients’ prognosis. lmmunohistochemical examination indicated that PyNPase in the SF was mainly produced by macrophages (Mφ), and therefore we investigated the profile of PyNPase production by Mφ. In in vitro experiments PyNPase production by Mφ was greatly enhanced by stimulation with OK-432, and the culture supernatant had the ability to convert 5’DFUR to 5-FU.

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