[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4558KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 92(10): 1426-1435, 1991

Original article


Department of Surgery, Cancer Institute Hospital, Tokyo, Japan

Makoto Seki

Intramural metastasis and microscopical lymphatic permeation (distant-ly) distant more than 5mm from primary lesion were evaluated clinicopathologically in 207 patients with esophageal cancer, to reveal intramural lymphatic metastasis in esophageal cancer. Thirty-one lesions of intramural metastasis in 21 patients (10%) and 85 distant-ly lesions in 19 patients (9%) were observed. Both lesions existed mainly in lpm or sm layer and located within 5cm from primary lesion. As a direction of metastasis, intramural metastasis existed almost equivalently oral and anal from primary lesion, but distant-ly existed slightly more frequently in anal direction. When intramural metastatic lesion was recognized oral from primary lesion, lymph node involvement of the upper mediastinum was present in 67% of cases. On the other hand, intramural metastasis was seen anal from primary lesion and lymph node involvement of upper paragastric region was present in 100% of cases. Patients with intramural metastasis showed poor prognosis of one year of 50% survival period.

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