[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 854KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 89(2): 200-205, 1988

Original article


Department of Surgery, Yamanashi Medical College, Kofu, Japan

Kaoru Nagahori, Masayuki Yamamoto, Masanori Matsuda, Jun Itakura, Hidehiko Iizuka, Fumio Arihara, Katsuhiko Sugahara

Based on the following 3 points: 1) tumor proliferation is energy-dependent, 2) mitochondrial energy-production system is dominant for cell growth, and 3) liver mitochondria(mt)possess their own DNA and RNA synthesizing some of their own proteins including respiratory enzymes such as cytochrome oxidases, a possible relationship between mutations of mt-DNA and clinical status of cell proliferation was examined in 10 HCC patients who underwent liver resection. Mt-DNA at the cancerous and the noncancerous portions of 1g resected liver specimens were separated from the nuclear DNA, and then digested with Hinf I endonuclease. DNA filters were made of the digested mt-DNA fragments on the agarose and polyacrylamide gel. The fiters were hybridized with a nick-translated 32P-labeled DNA fragments.
In two cases, abnormal mt-DNA were detected. In the first case, the tumor was the massive type and grew rapidly invading the bile duct. One restriction fragment of 3.0 Kb of the cancerous and non cancerous portion became larger by 60 bp. In the second case, regarded as metachronous multicentric HCC, the second largest band of the 3.4 Kb fragment of the cancerous portion showed a wider range but not of the noncancerous portion. The former change may indicate polymorphism but the latter indicates an occurence of the mutation of mt-DNA. Further studies are required, including examinations on the rest of mitochondrial fragments.

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