[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2120KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 88(5): 543-550, 1987

Original article


Department of Surgery, Matsusaka Chuo Hospital Koseiren of Mie, Matsusaka, Japan

Hiroki Taoka, Yoshiyuki Ando, Takashi Kurumiya, Masataka Ohta, Takayuki Sanda, Takeshi Shimizu, Yoshihiro Okabayashi

We measured CA19-9 value in feces of 119 cases with malignant disease, 78 cases with benign diseases and 36 healthy volunteers, and studied its usefulness for the diagnosis of digestive tract cancer.
Mean value of CA19-9 in feces of healthy volunteer was 276.4±643.3U/ml (mean±2S.D.) and cut off value was defined as 1000U/ml.
The positive ratio of CA19-9 in feces of patients with malignant diseases as 44.5%. On the other hand, the mean of the false positive ratio was only 1.4% in benign diseases.
Regarding to its breakdown, CA19-9 in feces revealed the highest positive ratio as 68% in colonic cancer.
In colonic cancer, CA19-9 in feces showed a high positive ratio of 83% at advanced stage. Histologically, the positive ratios of CA19-9 in feces were higher, such as in more than 80% of the reaching degree of depth ss, a1, more than 82% of the disease due to higher parasites of lymph vessel ly1 and more than 95% of the metastasis of lymph node n1.
Moreover, all CA19-9 in feces were positive in positive cases of CEA in serum.

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