[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 667KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 83(10): 1209-1217, 1982

Original article


*) First Department of Surgery, Kobe University School of Medicine
**) Department of Surgery, Seirei Mikatabara Hospital

Yasuhiko Takiguchi*), Yoshiki Tabuchi*), Tadashi Ohyama*), Katsunori Kawaguchi**), Yoichi Saitoh*)

One hundred ninety-eight resected cases of gastric carcinoma in the cardiac region were classified into two groups : CE-carcinoma with microscopically proven esophageal invasion (125 cases) and C-carcinoma without esophageal invasion (73 cases). The clinocopathological differences between them were studied, and the following results were obtained.
1) Curative resection were performed in 74 cases (50.7%) of CE-carcinoma and in 50 cases (58.1%)
of C-carcinoma.
2) Five year survival rate was 34.2% in CE-carcinoma and 74.2% in C-carcinoma. The survival rate of the former was significantly poor compared with that of the latter.
3) The difference of the prognosis between CE-and C-carcinomas were estimated to be related with the following pathological factors.
(1) CE-carcinoma revealed that the longest diameter of the cancerous lesions was larger than that of C-carcinoma.
(2) Early carcinoma was not found in CE-carcinoma. However, 13 early carcinomas (18.0%) were found in C-carcinoma.
(3) CE-carcinoma showed deeper invasion in the gastric wall than C-carcinoma.
(4) Cancerous invasion into lymph canal and/or blood vessel was found more frequently in CE-carcinoma than in C-carcinoma.
(5) The number of advanced stage revealed to be more in CE-carcinoma than in C-carcinoma.

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