[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4501KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 83(1): 16-26, 1982

Original article


*) First Department of Surgery, Hirosaki University School of Medicine
**) Department of Surgery, Hirosaki City Hospital

Makoto  Yamauchi*), Morizo Sato*), Takashi Ishioka*), Kazutoshi Takashima*), Matsuro Fukushima*), Hisaaki Koie*), Seiro Machida**)

Cell-mediated tumor immune response in 156 cases of various cancer (72 cases of gastric cancer, 40 cases of colorectal cancer, 19 cases of lung cancer and 25 cases of miscellaneous malignant tumor) was observed with agarose microdroplet leukocyte migration inhibition (LMI) test and microplate leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) test. The tumor antigen was extracted with 3 M KCl from fresh tumor tissues or human cancer cell line S-7512 (established from rectal cancer) and K-7610 (established from lung cancer). For allogeneic gastric cancer antigen, 60% of early stage gastric cancer (stage I and II) exhibited positive LMI, whereas advanced patients (stage III and IV) and postoperative tumor free patients showed positive LMI less frequently. In LAI test, the early stage gastric cancer showed positive results more frequently than advanced gastric cancer. The results of LMI and LAI in the colorectal cancer patients with S-7512 antigen showed a similar tendency to that of gastric cancer patients. On the other hand, each cancer patient had little cross-reactivity to the tumor antigens of different tumor tissue.The result of LMI test was accordant with LAI test in 80% of the patients (51/65) and there was a statistical correlation between the indices of LMI and LAI (r= 0.440, t= 3.892, p<0.001),
These results suggested that both of LMI and LAI test were appreciable method for observation on tumor specific immune response in cancer patients.

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