[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 747KB) [Members Only]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 125(3): 216-220, 2024

Feature topic


1) Center for Education Research Innovation of Advanced Medical Technology, Department of Gastroenterological SurgeryⅡ, Hokkaido University Hospital
2) Department of Gastroenterological SurgeryⅡ, Division of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Soichi Murakami1), Satoshi Hirano2)

Few departments in Japan specialize in acute care surgery. Most acute care surgeries are performed in ordinary surgical departments that do not specialize in this field. Surgeons are generally trained as general surgeons and have the skills of acute care surgeons, but often do not have sufficient knowledge or skills in acute care surgery. However, if there are specialists in this field, and if knowledge and skills are available daily, it is possible to raise the acute care surgery capabilities of an entire surgical department to a level equal to that of a specialized department. This is where the acute care surgeon’s role in the surgical department lies. The recent decrease in the number of surgeons and the limitation of working hours due to the reform of work styles have forced surgical departments to undergo organizational restructuring. To ensure the smooth performance of elective surgeries, the separation and consolidation of acute care surgery, including surgical rescue, will be inevitable in the future. Acute care surgeons in the surgical division are expected to play an increasingly active role in newly established specialized departments in the future.

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