[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1387KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 105(7): 418-421, 2004

Series for members


Department of Surgery & Palliative Care Team, Toho University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Natsuki Tokura

The Japanese who are in a hospice or a palliative care ward recently, and pass away are increasing in number. However, the present condition is that most passes away in a general ward. ln Japan, since a surgeon is concerned in many cases to terminal care, in addition to the operation method and perioperative management has to learn the knowledge of palliative care. Terminally ill cancer patients experience the severe pain which takes about 70% or more of patients painkilling by opioid with various pain, such as loss of appetite, general malaise, and insomnia, in many cases. For this reason, in especially terminally ill cancer patient's palliative care, sharp pain medical treatment is important. A surgeon has to learn about how to use the concept of WHO Cancer Pain Relief Program and opioid rotation, and adjuvant analgesics. To spend life whose terminally ill cancer patients seeming is the person, the surgeon should do palliative care.

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