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J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 101(4): 352-356, 2000

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Department of Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Soji Ozawa, Nobutoshi Ando, Masahiro Ohgami, Yuko Kitagawa, Masaki Kitajima

Laparoscopic surgery for esophageal achalasia was first reported by Shimi et al. in 1991. Subsequently the procedure has been performed all over the world and laparoscopic Heller myotomy and Dor fundoplication (Heller and Dor operation) is now thought to be the operation of first choice. It is indicated for patients who are resistant to medical therapy (calcium blocker etc.) or have pneumatic dilatation and those with frequent aspiration at night. As Csendes et al. reported that surgical treatment was better than pneumatic dilatation and as laparoscopic surgery is less invasive, the indications for the laparoscopic Heller and Dor operation can include all achalasia patients except those who respond to medical therapy, do not accept surgery, or cannot tolerate surgery. We successfully performed the laparoscopic Heller and Dor operation on 22 patients, all of whom had an uneventful postoperative course. Manometric evaluation, endoscopic examination, and 24-hour pH monitoring showed good results. There are six important technical points : 1) flexible laparoscopy ; 2) pneumoperitoneum ; 3) gauze in the abdominal cavity to absorb blood ; 4) laparosonic coagulating shears ; 5) extracorporeal knot-tying technique ; and 6) intracorporeal knot-tying technique. If an experienced surgeon is in charge, the laparoscopic Heller and Dor operation is an ideal, minimally invasive treatment for esophageal achalasia.

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