[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 798KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 96(7): 448-455, 1995

Original article


1) First Department of Surgery, Kobe University School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan
2) Second Department of Surgery, Kinki University School of Medicine, Osakasayama, Japan

Toru Morishita1), Michio Kato2), Takeshi Nakamura1), Yoichi Saitoh1)

To evaluate the difference of anticancer drug sensitivities of cancer cells among altered cancer cell-populations in the MTT assay, we compared the results of MTT assay of cancer cells obtained by the conventional technique and of the cancer cell rich fraction from centrifugal elutriation (CE) system in 17 tumors and 3 peritoneal and pleural aspirates from 20 gastric cancer patients. CE raised the population of the cancer cells from 36.1% to 75.4% in tumors and from 37.6% to 94.9% in aspirates respectively. And the rate of yield of cancer cells after CE was 51.9% in tumors and 61.9% in aspirates. In 10 cases, anticancer drug sensitivities of cancer cell rich fraction were different from those of cancer cell obtained by the conventional technique, and mostly in these cases the population of the cancer cells before purification by CE was less than 30%. Pathologically, mostly in undifferentiated type, severe infiltrated type, and scirrhous type carcinoma the population of the cancer cells before purification was less than 30%. Therefore, in these cases, cancer cell rich samples should be used in determining the correct chemosensitivity of cancer cells.

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