[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1002KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 95(2): 94-101, 1994

Original article


Department of Surgery, Shinshu University School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Japan

Shoji Kajikawa

To examine the mechanism of reduced tolerance to glucose in obstructive jaundice, insulin and glucagon metabolism was examined using mongrel dogs. Perfused pancreas isolated from obstructive jaundice dogs was used for this purpose, and the following results were obtained. Insulin release from the pancreas was decreased but glucagon was not changed by stimmulation with cholecystokinin octapeptide. Extraction of insulin and glucagon in the liver was examined using the dogs which had cholestatic and non・cholestatic lobes in each individual. Insulin levels of the hepatic blood were significantly lower than those of the portal blood. In comparison of the insulin levels between the hepatic blood from cholestatic and non-cholestatic lobes, the value of the cholestatic hepatic blood was significantly higher than that of the non-cholestatic hepatic blood, Concerning on glucagon, however, there were no significant differences between the two blood samples.
Therefore, the reduced tolerance to glucose in obstructive jaundice could not be attributed to the enhanced extraction of insulin in the liver but to the decrease of insulin production in the pancreas.

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