[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 536KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 92(5): 592-597, 1991

Original article


*) Department of Surgery, Aichi Hospital, Aichi, Japan
**) Department of Thoracic Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan

Tatsuo Uchida*), Masanori Sakakibara, Munehisa Imaizumi, Toshio Abe**)

Fibroblasts are found to secrete several factors, but complex interactions between cancer cells and fibroblasts are not well known. In this report, it was discussed how fibroblasts derived from lung cancer tissues affected lung cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. As results, the growth of 4 of eight cancer cells was promoted by any medfum conditioned by fibroblasts (C.M) in vitro. Fifty percent of the 12 fibroblasts had some effect on promoting the growth of cancer cells, but had no effect on supressing cancer cells. The C.Ms promoting the growth of cancer cells in vitro exerted the same effect in nude mice, too. Coinoculation of fibroblasts and cancer cells into nude mice gained heigher tumorigenisity than cancer cells alone with no relation to their subclasses. It was suggested that to examine the effect on promoting the growth of cancer cells by fibroblasts derived from lung cancer tissues in vitro was able to prospect how fibroblasts affected cancer cells in vivo and fibroblasts made some good condition to transplanted cancer cells into nude mice by means different from growth factors.

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