[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3205KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 92(1): 5-11, 1991

Original article


The First Department of Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University,School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Kimiya Takeshita, Naoya Saito, Yasushi Sato, Michio Maruyama, Masakatsu Sunagawa, Hiroshi Habu, Mitsuo Endo

Lentinan, a pure polysaccharide, augments many immune responses in vivo but not in vitro. Therefore reaction with any factor is thought to be required for triggering of immunopotentiation by lentinan. To clarify the role of complement in this effect, we investigated whether lentinan could activate alternative pathway of complement or not and the relation with the immunopotentiation in 13 gastric cancer patients. C3, C3a, C5 and C5a levels as parameters of complement activation and interleukin-2 producing activity as parameter of immunopotentiation were assayed before and immediately after intravenous injection of lentinan. Among these complement components, remarkable change was observed only in C3a level. C3a level elevated to more than 1000ng/ml from less than 300ng/ml. And according to the degree and continuation of the elevation, these patients were classified into 3 types-(1) every time little elevation, (2) first remarkable and thereafter little elevation and (3) continuous remarkable elevation. Such an elevated C3a level returned to the level before lentinan injection within one day. When C3a level elevated to more than 1000ng/ml, leukocyte counts of peripheral blood decreased significantly and interleukin-2 producing activity increased concomitantly. Thus, there was diversity in response to lentinan and complement activation was suggested to have contribution in immunopotentiation by lentinan.

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