[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1641KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 90(8): 1262-1265, 1989

Case report


Department of Surgery, Tama Nagayama Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
*) Department of Pathology, Tama Nagayama Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
**) First Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan

Michinori Hosoi, Masatomo Yoshioka, Yosuke  Tanaka, Isamu Wada, Mitsuru Nakao, Shotaro Maeda*), Masahiko  Onda**)

Primary osteogenic sarcoma (POS) of the breast is very rare. Only eleven cases have been previously reported in Japan. In this paper, we report an additinal case of POS. A 30 year old female was admitted to our hospital with chief complaint of rapidly growing mass of the right breast. She was diagnosed carcinoma of the right breast and underwent a radical mastectomy (Br+ Ax+ Mj + Mn). Histological findings of the resected tissues revealed POS of the breast.
After three months from the operation, local recurrence was demonstrated by an incisional biopsy. One more months later, chest X-P revealed bilateral lung metastases. Irradiation with 60Co for recurrence and chemotherapy using vincristine, methotrexate for distant metastases were not effective. However, cisplatin caused the necrosis of local recurrent tumor. She died nine months after operation.
At autopsy, extended metastasis of tumor cells diffusely to the pleura, lungs, liver, adrenal glands, pancreas, peritoneum, fifth lumbar vertebra, skull, dura mater and left pulmoanry hilar lymph nodes was observed.

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