[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2672KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 83(7): 677-690, 1982

Original article


First Department of Surgery, Kobe University, School of Medicine (Director: Pro. Yoichi Saito)

Minoru Kanamura

Intestinal bile acid absorption was examined on adult Wistar male rat in vivo. Blood was collected from the portal (at the hepatic hilus), jejunal, ileal or colic veins, and the concentration and composition of bile acids in plasma were determined. In addition, the jejunum, ileum and cecum were partially resected and changes in the concentration and composition of bile acids in the portal and colic vein blood, bile and feces, and the pool size of bile acid at 4 weeks after the resection were examined. The following results were obtained : 1) The plasma bile acid concentrations in the portal, jejunal, ileal, colic and systemic blood were 44.5, 14.5, 46.7, 8.8 and 0.8μg/ml, respectively. 2) Jejunectomy showed no significant influence on the metabolism of bile acids. Ilectomy reduced the absorption of bile acids and simultaneously lowered the biliary secretion and the pool size of bile acids. Ileocecectomy was characterized by extremely low production of the secondary bile acids and coprostanol.
These data suggested, that ileal absorption of bile acids was most predominant in vivo.

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