[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 4724KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 82(3): 230-236, 1981

Original article


The First Department of Surgery, Chiba University, School of Medicine (Director: Prof. Katsuji Okui)

Hiroaki Ishigami

Gastric secretions were collected from 21 gastric cancer patients, 8 peptic ulcer patients and 8 healthy volunteers, keeping intragastric pH to 7, under tetragastrin stimulation. Each of these gastric secretions was centrifuged, and supernatant was dialyzed against tap water for 48 hours at 8-10℃, and was lyophilized. The lyophilates were dissolved in saline, filtrated with 0.22 μ membrane filter and the protein concentration was measured by Lowry’s method. Proteins of equal weight were gathered from 10 gastric cancer patients, 8 peptic ulcer patients and 8 healthy volunteers, mixed and named extract of gastric cancer secretions, peptic ulcer secretions and healthy volunteer’s secretions respectively. Influence of 100 μg/ml protein of these extracts upon PHA, ConA or Sepharose protein A-induced lymphoproliferative response of normal periphral lymphocytes was evaluated by 3H-thymidine uptake into DNA. When the extract of gastric cancer secretions was added the beggining of lymphocyte culture with mitogens listed above, stimulation index (S.I.: ratio of cpm with mitogen and extract to cpm without mitogen) fell down significantly compared with that of other two extracts added. When the extract of gastric cancer secretions was added to culture at 2 hours' interval for 24 hours, % suppression, calculated by the fomula below,
(1- (cpm of culture with mitogen and extract of gastric cancer secretions)/(cpm of culture with mitogen and extract of healthy volunteer’s secretions))×100
fell down rapidly in the first 8 hours, making “shoulder” at 4 hour after the beginning of PHA and ConA-induced lymphoproliferation (LP), and in the first 12 hours, making “shoulder” at 6 hour after the beginning of SpA-induced LP. The facts above mean the point of suppression of the extract of gastric cancer secretions is in the early stage of lymphocyte transformation. Influence of the extract of gastric cancer secretions from each tumor size on mitogen-induced LP was also evaluated, and it was clarified that suppressive activity chiefly exsisted in the extract from the tumor size of 10-20 (cm2). It is probably that immunosuppressive factor will increase parallelly the tumor size but tumor will become larger, factors other than immunosuppressive factor will increase. From the result above, it is suggested that the extract of gastric cancer secretions, chiefly the tumor size of 10-20 (cm2), posseses suppessive activity on both T and B-cell, and point of suppression is in the early stage of lymphocyte transformation.

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