[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 12652KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 81(12): 1520-1535, 1980

Original article


The First Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School (Director: Prof. Akiro Shirota)

Yoshiteru Ishikawa

Healing process of pseudointima of the fresh homologous vein patch, grafted upon canine femoral artery was studied histopathologically as well as scanning electronmicroscopically at various interval of time after grafting and the following results were obtained.
1) Spindle cell infiltration into the mural thrombus attached on the inner surface of the graft were found 5 days and thereafter the grafting. The cell infiltration was observed growing from the host arterial intima as well as from the outside of the graft at the graft-host suture line.
2) New growing of intima cell-like-cells were observed 5 days and thereafter the grafting, indicating that these cells were derived from host intima.
3) Vascularization at the graft adventitia was comfi med to have begun 10 days after grafting from recognition of red cells in the capillaries at the day.
4) Vascularization at the graft intima was comfirmed near the anastomotic line 10 days after grafting and at the midport of the graft 14 days after grafting. Neovascularization derived from the intima was abundant near the anastomotic line and distributed to deeper layer of the intima, but was not connected to adventitial vascularization.
5) Sccanning electromicroscopic observation at the specimen 30 and 100 days after grafting revealed many holes with 20-60 μ in diameter, opening at the intimal surface. This is actual finding of the opening of neovascularization of the pseudointima.

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