[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 5464KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 81(6): 527-536, 1980

Original article


2nd Department of Surgery, Osaka University Medical School

Katsuhisa Shindo, Goro Kosaki, Takesada Mori, Hiroshi Okuda, Takatoshi Kawasaki, Yoshiyuki Nakajo

Microscopic examination was performed in the 196 specimens obtained through radical excision of the rectal carcinoma and lymphadenectomy. Study was made of the correlation between the individual factors involved and the prognosis.
The 5-year survival rate determined was 0% for cases with undifferentiated carcinoma and 14% for cases with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, 18% for case, with invasion to veins in the cancer nest, 27% for cases with metastases to the epirectal or pararectal lymphnodes, 30% for cases with less distinguishable and irregular invasion pattern in the marginal zone of the cancer nest, 35% for cases of invasion to intramural lymphatic vessels, 37% for cases of extramural infiltration, 37% for cases with less infiltration of smal round cells into the cancer nest. The intensity of connective tissue fiber reaction was seen having no significant influences on the 5-year survival rate.
The 5-year survival rates for the 2-factor combinations studied were 11 % for the combination of intramural vein invasion with lymphnode metastases, 17% for that of irregular invasion pattern with vein invasion, and 22% for that of lymphatic vessel invasion with vein invasion.
Meanwhile, 5-year survival rate was 73―77% for cases with limited mural invasion, round cell infiltration, distinguishable margin of the tumor, or well-differentiated carcinoma, or without vein invasion, lymphatic invasion, nor lymphnode metastasis. Five-year survival rate was I00 % when the invasion was limited downto submucosal layer. All histologic factors mentioned above should be used for computerized calculation of the span of postoperative life in each patient.

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