[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 7620KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 81(6): 449-461, 1980

Original article


The First Department of Surgery, Chiba University, School of Medicine, Chiba

Masanori Ogawa

To clarify the mechanism of hypophosphatemia during TPN, and to determine the adequate phosphate requirement, animal and clinical studies were performed.
Results: 1) Total liver phosphorus levels of puppies were correlated with the accumulation of water or glycogen, which are induced by TPN.
2) In rat experiments, P contents were decreased in the muscle of the malnutritional rats. When TPN with low phosphate dose (5 mEq/1000 Cal) was performed. This decrease in muscle P contents was prevented by the increase in phosphate dose (35 mEq/1000 Cal). On the contrary, increases in liver phosphate content were constant finding in both group.
3) The serum inorganic levels (sPi) decreased in the malnourished patient during the initial stage of TPN with low P intake (10 mEq/1000 Cal), while the same dose did not decrease sPi level below normal range by TPN on well nourished patients. TPN with 20 mEq/1000 Cal tended to prevent the initiation decrease of sPi.
On these findings the possible mechanism of hypophosphatemia during TPN was discussed, and the possibility of the existence of the two different P requirements, namely the initial dose and the maintenance dose, were proposed.

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