[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3083KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 81(2): 113-118, 1980

Original article


The Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Saiseikai Utsunomiya Hospital

Y. Ishikura, I. Kiso, S. Odagiri, T. Katogi

Long-term results of 27 patients undergoing A-C Bypass surgery was assessed. There were 23 men and 4 women with a mean age of 52.4 years (range 27 to 69).
Previous myocardial infarction had occurred in 16 of 27 patients and in 6 patients associated with left ventricular aneurysm. In 6 patients both A-C bypass and LV aneurysmectomy was performed. A single A-C bypass was performed in 14 patients, double bypass in 10 and triple bypass in only 3.
All patients were followed up for more than 14 months after operation (mean 39.8 months).
Only 2 late deaths from non cardiac causes occurred among the 27 patients. The survival rate was 92.6 percents.
Two patients had the late myocardial infarction.
Postoperatively, angina was absent in 24 of 27 patients, and all patients related improvement of at least one functional class. Double Master tests showed positive response in 3 patients (11.1%).
The graft patency rate was 86 percents. All patients had increased activity more than before operation. Fourteen patients (51.8%) are employed full time and 5 (18.5%) part time.
These date show a relatively good prognosis of A-C bypass surgery, however, the managements of the risk factors, hypertention, diabetes melitus, hyperlipidemia etc., promote more better prognosis.

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