[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3741KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 81(1): 39-46, 1980

Original article


The First Department of Surgery, Fukushima Medical School (Director: Prof. Kenji Honda)

Takashi Ogata

The pulmonary wedge pressure (PWP) curves were obtained by means of Swan-Ganz flow directed catheter on 85 cases of valve replacement and 10 cases of innocent murmur, and PWP curves were analyzed.
The results were as follows:
1) PWP Patterns with innocent murmur showed a, v waves and x, y valleys.
2) In the cases of mitral stenosis with sinus rhythm, PWP pattern showed a, c waves and slow slopes to y valley. In the cases with atrial fibrillation, a wave was not recognized and x wave became plateau.
3) In the PWP patterns of mitral regurgitation, huge v waves were recognized.
4) PWP pattern was almost the same as LAP pattern, though a wave of PWP pattern was delayed 0.11±0.02 sec. compared with that of LAP pattern.
5) PWP patterns after MVR were divided into three groups—group I showed normal pattern, group II MS pattern, group III MR pattern. Group II, III were further divided into two subtypes—a group (PWP below 40 mmHg) and b group (PWP over 40 mmHg).
6) PWP patterns after MVR with K-S, B-S valves belonged to group I, III and those of MVR with Xenograft belonged to group II.
7) mPWP value after MVR were within normal range in group I, Ila, IIIa and were higher value in group Ilb, IIIb.
8) CTR in the cases of group I, IIa, IIIa decreased after MVR, though that in group IIb, IIIb increased on the contrary.

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