[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 5661KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 81(1): 15-24, 1980

Original article


*) The Department of Surgery, Keio University School of Medicine
**) Keio Cancer Center

Hiromasa Fujita*), Teruo Kakegawa*), Nobutoshi Ando*), Hiroshi Amano*), Yotaro Shinozawa*), Katsunori Aoki*), Yoshitomo Watanabe*), Yoshiya Kumagaya**)

At the Keio University Hospital, 153 cases of the esophageal carcinoma were resected in eight years between 1969 and 1976. Thirty-four cases of them were classified as a0 carcinoma of the esophagus which had no evidence of invasion into the adventitia, and they were one case of ep carcinoma, twelve cases of sm carcinoma and 21 cases of pm carcinoma.
The clinical and pathological features of a0 carcinoma of the esophagus were discussed. Lymphatic metastasis was found in nineteen of 34 cases (55.9%). Preoperative radio-therapy was carried out in 22 cases (64.7%), though local irradiation for a0 carcinoma was considered to be not necessary.
The prognosis of these cases were revealed to have a closed relation to the depth of the invasion and/or the lymphatic metastasis. Especially prognosis in patients with lymphatic metastasis were poor like with the advanced carcinoma. Some clinical factors, such as age of patient, location of lesion and macroscopical classification had closed relation to the prognosis of a0 carcinoma of the esophagus.

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