[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 13025KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 58(12): 1903-1919, 1958


Department of Surgery, Hirosaki University (Director: Prof. T. Maki)


Prof. Maki devised a new operation method for enteroptosis to suspend all the intestinal loops, the colon and stomach by forming a peritoneal diaphragm at the height of the sacral promontory. The variation of circulating blood volume of dogs was studied before and after ''Abdominoplasty'' by Evans blue method using spectrophotomer.
Results obtained were as follows :
1) At the supine position, either PV and BV in per kgm. was 48.6 cc and 96.3 cc respectively in dogs in which "Abdominoplasty" was performed. Contrally to this, these were each 46.8 cc and 88.7cc in control healthy dogs.
2) After standing position of 3 hours duration, the values of PV and BV changed to 43.8 cc and 80.8 cc in operated cases. And in the control cases these were markedly decreased to 40.7 cc and 70.3 cc respectively.
3) Blood circulating time by Lobelin method counted 11.0 "in average in the supine position, but after 3 hours standing it increased to about 14.5", having no remarkable difference between operated and non-operated dogs.
4) After the performance of this operation in dogs, the distention of the epi-abdominal regions was observed, so firmly believing that this distention would give a favourable effect on the exhaust and reception of blood from so-called blood-preserving abdominal organs at the time of respiration or of the abdominal pressure, the writer postulated the Fukuhara's line.
5) The intraperitoneal pressure of plastic dogs was +9.8 mmH2O on the average, with control healthy dogs scarcely any recognizable change of positive or negative pressure was observed, results obtained being ± 2 mmH2O. At the time of the strongest respiration or airtransmission, the positive transformation of the intraperitoneal pressure was carried on with greater force under plastic dogs, but when the intraperitoneal pressure charging air-transmission performed in connection with medicated reaction (strichinine nitric and Amerisol were used), no such difference was observed.
6) Consequently the increase of the circulating blood volume and the resultant increase of the minute volume can be observed to be connected with the decrease of the bloodstagnation in the ptotic bowels raised by "Abdominoplasty", both together with above mentioned 4) and 5) effectivities.
7) In conclusion the effectivity of "Abdominoplasty" could be infered also from the point of the blood circulation.
(author's abstract)

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