[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1064KB) [Members Only]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 120(4): 425-430, 2019

Feature topic


Second Department of Surgery, Dokkyo Medical University, Shimotsuga, Japan

Taku Aoki, Keiichi Kubota

The morbidity rate associated with pancreatic fistula following pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) remains high. To decrease the rate of severe complications after PD, we have applied a two-stage pancreatojejunostomy for patients with soft pancreas and inflammation around the pancreas, as well as those undergoing hepatopancreatoduodenectomy (HPD). In the first stage of the procedure, a tube stent is inserted and fixed to the main pancreatic duct for total drainage of the pancreatic juice without anastomosis. About 3 months after the first operation, a two-stage operation is planned. The fistula made around the tube stent is dissected, and after exposing the stump of the pancreas, a pancreatojejunostomy (duct-to-mucosa anastomosis) is made preserving the adhesion around the pancreas. The potential concerns include: 1) the second operation is somewhat technically demanding; and 2) some patients with early tumor recurrence cannot undergo the second procedure. Nevertheless, this two-stage strategy has been reported to contribute to improvement of the safety of PD and HPD. An appropriate combination of postoperative chemotherapy and this two-stage strategy may provide favorable short- and long-term outcomes.

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