[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 227KB) [Members Only]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 116(5): 320-322, 2015

Feature topic


Department of Pediatric General and Urogenital Surgery, Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Hiroyuki Koga, Atsuyuki Yamataka

Developments in laparoscopic surgery have undoubtedly improved postoperative discomfort and morbidity, decreased hospital stays, enhanced recovery, and improved wound cosmesis. There are, however, several limitations to the use of conventional laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgical techniques such as two-dimensional visualization of the surgical field with loss of depth perception, counterintuitive movements with rigid, nonarticulated instruments, loss of hand-eye coordination, and poor ergonomics for the operating surgeon. However, thoracoscopic repair of tracheoesophageal fistulas and laparoscopic repair of choledochal cysts and biliary atresia have recently been performed. We anticipate that, as the number of complex pediatric laparoscopic/thoracoscopic procedures performed increases, there will be improvements in the hardware with associated measurable benefits in patient outcomes.

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