[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 259KB) [Members Only]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 113(4): 398-401, 2012

Special contribution


Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Nakagami Hospital, Okinawa, Japan

Jiro Honda

Many researchers have focused on the introduction of mid-level providers (MLP) in order to reduce the number of doctors treating patients in the hospital. However, the establishment of MLPs in Japan still takes time. The process could be accelerated by relieving doctors of clerical work by employing auxiliary personnel.
This hospital employs 22 auxiliary people to perform clerical work for the doctors, which are referred to as "doctor's assistants (DA)". The system is connected with the medical treatment fee system. Two DA are assigned cardiovascular surgery and conduct various other activities. These activities include:
1. Temporary creation of various medical documents
2. Vicarious execution of electronic medical recoding system input
3. Support of scientific activity
4. Input of all data into the JACVSD Database
In addition, they participate in a round of cardiovascular surgery and inform the patient or family of the surgical schedule. They also cooperate with personnel from other specialties or department. The DA thus plays a crucial role in "team medical treatment."

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