[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 269KB) [Members Only]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 107(1): 33-37, 2006

Feature topic


Cardiovascular Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

Naoki Kanemitsu, Masashi Komeda

We have a new therapeutic modality, regenerative medicine, for patients with severe ischemic heart disease. Growth factor administration and cell transplantation are available. Therapeutic angiogenesis with bone marrow cell transplantation has been used clinically with favorable results. Basic fibroblast growth factorslow-release administration has recently started to be used clinically as another angiogenic therapy. It is more potent when combined with a donor artery and omentum (Bio-CABG). Myogenic cell transplantation is in clinical trials aimed at myocardial regeneration. However, it remains unresolved how transplanted myoblasts improve cardiac function and how we can prevent fatal arrhythmia. Many are researching cardiac stem cells and embryonic stem cells as candidates for myocardial regeneration. Recently, the paracrine effects of transplanted mesenchymal stem cells in the ischemic heart have been reported to contribute to improved cardiac function. Therefore, growth factors and cytokines may play an important role in the regeneration process induced by transplanted cells. We combined cell transplanstation with growth factor administration as well as reconstructive surgery for dilated left ventricle, which yielded excellent results. Our integrated strategy may result in the maximal benefits to patients in the future.

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