[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3978KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 97(5): 381-386, 1996

Feature topic


Pathology Division, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan

Hitoshi Tsuda

Breast carcinoma is considered to occur as non-invasive carcinoma (DCIS) and to progress to the stage of invasive cancer. In DCIS, multiple gene and chromosome alterations are shown to occur already, and the pattern of alterations are concordant between DCIS and invasive components in most of individual turnors. Therefore, unknown molecular alterations are considered to exist that are involved in tumor invasion. A lot of alterations are also shown to occur in breast cancer cells, e.g., overexpression of growth factor receptors, cyclins and the molecules regulating cell-cycle, and cell-adhesion moleculas. Clarification of signal-transducing mechamism of these molecules in cells and alterations of the system in cancer cells will be important as molecular mechanism of proliferation and progression of breast cancer. It is expected that the therapeutic strategy targetted to the control of these molecular events is developed in future.

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