[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 3087KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 97(4): 252-256, 1996

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First Department of Pathology, Hiroshima Univresity School of Medicine, Hiroshima, Japan

Eiichi Tahara, Wataru Yasui, Hiroshi Yokozaki

The scenario of multistep of stomach carcinogenesis differs depending on the two histological types, well differentiated adenocarcinoma and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, because the two types may have different genetic pathways. Genetic instability, reactivation of telomerase and abnormal transcript of CD44 including intron 9 are common events of both well and poorly differentiated type carcinomas. These occur at early stage of carcinogenesis, even in precancerous lesions such as intestinal metaplasia and adenoma. Inactivation of APC, activation of K-ras, amplification of c-erbB2, and allelic loss of DCC locus are associated with well differentiated type, while amplification of K-sam and functional loss of cadherin/catenin are characteristics of poorly differentiated type. HGF/c-met system plays a pivotal role in morphogellesis of both histological types through interaction with cell-cell adhesion molecules. Reactivation of telomerase or genetic instability may be an initial event for acculnulaiton of multiple genetic alterations during the progression of stomach carcinogenesis.

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