[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2511KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 96(11): 766-772, 1995

Original article


Second Department of Surgery, Nagoya University, School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan

Masahito Kato, Hiroomi Funahashi, Yasuyuki Sato, Hiroshi Takagi

Autotransplantation of the parathyroid glands by mincing rnethod has been performed to maintain parathyroidal function in patients with thyroid cancer, followirlg total thyroidectomya nd parathyroidectomy. The functional recovery of grafted parathyroid glands was studied in matured mongrel dogs histologically and by determining the PTH Ievel and serum P, Ca, and compared three different forms of implant ; whole gland, minced parathyroid tissue, and thick slices, The minced parathyroid tissue and thick slices were found to be far superior histologically, and endocrinologically, to the whole gland type of implant, with successful takes. And between two types of implants minced tissue and thick slices, no difference was observed histologically and endocrinologically. On the other hand, it is neccessary for shortening the time to prepare implant tissue to get sccessful reimplantation. The time to prepare minced tissue is very short in camparison with thick slices. Thus our method (minced tissue) is very useful for successful reimplantation of the parathyroids.

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