[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1919KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 96(2): 88-96, 1995

Original article


Second Department of Surgery, Chiba University School of Medicine, Chiba, Japan

Yasushi Shinohara

The aim of this study is to make precise analysis of bile ducts of the caudate, lobe using 3D-CT cholangiography. Seventy obstructive jaundiced patients without lesions at the hilar duct level were included in this study.
According to Kumon's study, I divided the caudate lobe into three areas:spiegel lobe (sp), caudate process portion (cp) and paracaval portion (pc), and set the range for these three areas in chlangio CT. In 70 cases, 191 caudate branches were detected and those draining areas and confluence patterns were analysed. 3D-CT cholangiography could be obtained from randomized angles. In set up the 8 angles from 0° to 330° in sagittal plane to demonstrate intrahepatic bile ducts and investigate the suitable angles for detecting caudate lobe branches in each drainaing area.
Suitable angles for detecting the branches of Sp group (104 branches) were 180°, 210°, 150° and 330° (detectabilities were 89.4%, 61.5%, 51.0% and 47.1% respectively). Suitable angles for detecting the branches of Pc group (80 branches) were 180°, 210°, 150°, 330° and 0° (detectabilities were 91.3%, 65.0%, 57.5%, 48.8% and 41.3% respectively). Suitable angles for detecting the branches of Cp group (67 branches) were 210°, 180°, 330°, 150° and 0° (detectabilities were 80.1%, 73.1%, 50.7%, 49.3% and 47.8% respectively).
The images from 150°, 180°, 210° were necessary to demonstrate the caudate lobe branches in 3D-CT cholangiography.

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