[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 532KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 95(12): 893-898, 1994

Original article


1) Department of Third Surgery, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan
2) Department of Bacteriology, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan

Takayuki Nakajima1), Masayuki Mukaida1), Kazuyuki Ishibashi1), Satoru Chiba1), Kohei Kawazoe1), Katsuya Inada2), Masao Yoshida2)

Limulus cascade reaction is found to be frequently activated by the plasma in the patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Recently, it is considered that this phenomenon occurs by factor G pathway reactive activity (GPRA) rather than endotoxin that activates factor C pathway. In the present report, we investigated circulating endotoxin and GPRA in 32 patients undergoing CPB. Plasma was pretreated by the New PCA method, and assay was performed by two limulus tests ; Toxicolor (reactive with endotoxin and GPRA) and Endospecy (endotoxin-specific). Thirty-two patients were classified into four groups by clinical diagnosis, Group A ; dissecting aneurysm of the aorta (6 patients), Group B ; ischemic heart disease (9 patients), Group C ; heart valve disease (8 patients), Group D ; congenital heart disease and myxoma in Ieft atrium (9 patients). GPRA in Ringer's lactate heardly increased during previous circulation before operation. The highest plasma GPRA concentration in all patients was observed at the end of CPB, 415±342pg/ml, but plasma endotoxin concentration was within normal range. At the end of CPB, plasma GPRA concentrations were 761±180pg/ml in Group A, 646±341pg/ml in Group B, 230±86pg/ml in Group C, and 113±65pg/ml in Group D. GPRA increase ratio (GPRA increase value/CPB time) of Groups A and B was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that of Groups C and D. It was suggested that the origin of plasma GPRA during CPB was not the CPB circuit but the tissue of the patients.

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