[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1683KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 95(7): 466-472, 1994

Original article


Department of Surgery, Division II, Kobe University School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan

Hitoshi Matsuda, Toshiaki Ota, Masayoshi Okada

To determine the appropriate treatment for patients with varix cruris, we performed three different methods of phlebography including direct phlebography, and compared their findings by each phlebography. Conventional ascending phlebography was taken routinely and initially in all limbs (n=120). "Direct phlebography" developed by us was then indicated, when the visualization of the deep vein system was unclear by conventional ascending phlebography. This method was useful for the clear opacification of the deep vein system, and also was able to visualize the deep femoral vein clearly. After the precise diagnosis of varix cruris,descending phlebography under the Valsalva maneuver at supine position was carried out for the evaluation of the deep vein insufficiency.
According to these phlebographic findings, conventional stripping with or without sub- or suprafascial ligation of communicating vein was indicated to saphenous typed varix cruris. The valvuloplasty to the highest valve in superficial femoral vein was carefully added in eight limbs which showed the significant reflux by added in eight limbs which showed the significant reflux by the descending phlebography. This valvuloplasty was remarkably contributed to the immediate healing of the stasis ulcer without recurrence. And compression sclerotherapy was selected to some patients with branch typed varix cruris.

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