[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2589KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 93(9): 1194-1198, 1992

Report on the annual meeting


Second Department of Surgery, Fukushima Medical College, Fukushima, Japan

Izo Kimijima, Toru Otake, Rikiya Abe

Stage I and II breast cancer is thought to be operable cancer. Possible surgical methods for such breast cancer could be grossly divided total mastectomy and breast preserving surgery (BPS) with axillary node dissection. In is necessary to obtain clear surgical margin after performing BPS. However it is difficult to know preoperatively the exact resected margin which is either clear or not. In order to select the cases performing BPS, we intended to compare the degree of coexisting intraductal component with histologic types and some factors such as DNA ploidy. ER and expression of cerb B-2 which is concerned in the malignant potential of breast cancer. Intraductal component is more frequently seen in papillotubular carcinoma. Diploid tumor is increased with increasing intraductal component in breast cancer. Precise postoperative microscopic study of resected specimen and tight observation of the patients received PBS for long period should be emphasized. We used methylsalicylate packed method on 2mm slice in thick by Wellings for postoperative histological study and investigated the intraductal archiectural spreading under the dissecting microscope. This method is useful to define the three-dimensional architecture of spreading of intraductal carcinoma. After proving clear surgical margin by this analysis, we usually do not recommend the radiation therapy.

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