[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1794KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 93(9): 1147-1149, 1992

Report on the annual meeting


1) First Department of Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
2) Department of Surgery, Kudanzaka Hospital, Tokyo, Japan

Hiroshi Nakamura1), Yasuyuki Dobashi1), Haruhiro Inoue1), Tatsuyuki Kawano1), Narihide Goseki1), Mitsuo Endo1), Kunio Sugihara2)

For 64 cases with portal hypertensive disease, we investigated the intramural and extramural structure of the stomach and esophagus by endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS). Variously developed intra- or extra-mural vascular structures had a relationship to the endoscopic variceal form, and the communicating (inflow) vessels to varices were found in 35 of 50 primary treated cases (70%). We classified the esophago-gastric varices into three types according to the vascular structure, such as the esophageal type, the esophago-gastric type and the solitary gastric type.
From the analyses of these collateral structures, we should select a treatment as follows. In the esophageal type which has a few inflow vessels, it is easy to eliminate the varices by obturating the inflow vessels by endoscopic injection sclerotherapy (EIS). In the esophago-gastric type, which has many enlarged inflow vessels, the Hassab operation is effective to devascularize extramural infiow vessels, and the combination of EIS is necessary to sclerose the intramural varices. In the solitary gastric type which is a part of the downward porto-systemic shunt, Hassab operation is recommended to prevent the rupture of varices for the subtype with intramural running vessels, but conservative therapy is enough for the subtype without intramural running vessel.

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