[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1817KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 93(9): 1107-1110, 1992

Report on the annual meeting


1) Department of Surgery, The Center for Adult Diseases, Osaka, Japan
2) Gastointestinal Medicine, The Center for Adult Diseases, Osaka, Japan

Yo Sasaki1), Shingi Imaoka1), Shinichi Iwamoto1), Seizo Masutani1), Osamu Ishikawa1), Takeshi Iwanaga1), Hiroshi Kasugai2)

To evaluate the application of hepatic resection (HR) for patients with Stage IV hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), we compared the back-ground factors and survivals after therapies between Stage IV HCC patients who underwent HR (n=38) and those who received arterial embolization (n=186, group C). Of the patients who had HR, 17 (45.1) had relative noncurative (RN) resection (group A) and the remaining 21 (55%) had absolute noncurative (AN) resection (group B). Back-ground factors in relation to liver function were significantly better in both A and B than in C. On the other hand, tumor-relating factors were better in A than in both B and C, and were worse in B than in C. Five-year survival rates of group A and group C were 37.1 and 13.1 respectively (A to C ; p<0.05) and there were no longer survivors than two years in group B. These results suggested that the group which had better back-ground factors gained the better prognosis. To compare the survivals in the patients having well back-ground factors who were dominant in group A, the patients whose clinical stage was I or the number of tumors was two or less were selected from each group. Among these selected patients, the survivals of group A were significantly better than those of the other groups.

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