[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1690KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 93(9): 1049-1051, 1992

Report on the annual meeting


Cardiovascular Department of Osaka Prefectural Hospital, Osaka, Japan

Kenji Ohnishi, Masaaki Kato, Masakatsu Ohtani, Hiroshi Imagawa, Hiroshi Takano, Yasuhiko Yoshioka

We have applied transluminal angioplasty (TAP) and bypass grafting (BG) to the lower-limb ischemia for ten years since 1982. We have treated 176 cases (194 limbs) by TAP and 250 cases (323 limbs) by BG. The TAP treated group was divided into two groups. The first was classified as a stenotic artery group (TAPs) and the other was as an obstructive artery group (TAPs). BG was also divided into two groups, the first belonged to a ringed graft (RPTFE) while the other was a bypass with a saphenous vein (BG sv). The registered patent rates for TAP and TAPs are 61.2%, 75.1% recorded after 5 years and 51.4%, 57.0% after 7 years, respectively. The patent registry rates for BG and RPTFE are evaluated as being 64.2%, 82%, after 5 years and 48.2%, 82% after 7 years, respectively. The results showed that the patent registry rate for BG is significantly better than that of the TAP but the results indicate similarities between TAPs and RPTFE. As a conclusion, we recommend the use of TAP for the stenotic lesion of the artery and RPTFE for obstructive lesion of arteries.

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