[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 2353KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 93(9): 964-967, 1992

Report on the annual meeting


1) Department of Pathology, Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Japan
2) Department of Climical Pathology, Kyoto Prefectual University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan

Takanori Hattori1), Hiroyuki Sugihara2)

Pathohistological studies of resected human stomachs and of experimental gastric cancers induced by ENNG have revealed that undifferentiated carcinomas arise at the neck region of glandular tubules both in the fundic and the pyloric mucosa, and tumor cells disclose the earliest invasion in the lamina propria by dripping from the glandular tubule. At earlier stages, the carcinoma cells tend to be confined to the middle level of the mucosa, and they extend to the horizontal direction of the mucosa. Most carcinomas at earlier stages comprise the diploid cell line. When tumors grow beyond a size of 2 cm in diameter in the mucosal layer, they begin to invade into the submucosal layer. As tumors grow, aneuploid and polyploid cancer cells arise in the diploid cell population. This is a kind of tumor progression. Aneuploid cancer cells disclose a more invasiveness, and they are ready to invade into the deep layer of the gastric wall. Scirrhous cancers are mostly composed of aneuploid cells, and it is suggested that small mucosal cancers which exclusively consist of aneuploid cells may become scirrhous cancers in a relatively short period.

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