[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1648KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 92(9): 1189-1192, 1991

Report on the annual meeting


Second Department of Surgery, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Nobuyoshi Hanyu, Teruaki Aoki, Yoichi Ohira, Koji Nakada, Motomasa Iikura, Shinichiro Fukuda, Yoshihiro Hashimoto

Postgastrectomy cholelithiasis has become a problem and biliary tract dyskinesia has been cited as an etiologic factor. CCK is the most important gut hormone with respect to biliary tract function, so we conducted an experimental study of postgastrectomy gallbladder function and CCK levels which gave the following results :
1. Although postprandial gallbladder contraction for the most part occurred in response to endogenous CCK, another mechanism (the gastro-cholecystic reflex) seemed to be responsible for some of them.
2. The postgastrectomy decrease in postprandial gallbladder contraction appeared to be due to disappearance of this gastro-cholecystic refiex.
3. Gallbladder contraction occurred in association with postprandial CCK secretion following total gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y reconstruction, but the altered food passage route caused changes in the dynamics of CCK secretion, and this is believed to have had an influence on the gallbladder contractile response.

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