[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 6930KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 92(8): 1016-1026, 1991

Original article


Department of Surgery, Division II, Kobe University School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan

Masato Yoshida, Masayoshi Okada, Yoshihiko Tsuji, Kazuo Nakamura

To evaluate the safety and efficacy of recanalization of the occlusive arterial diseases by Argon laser, we investigated the effects of the laser irradiation using bare-ended probe (BEP) and metal-tip probe (MTP) on human cadaveric aorta and canine femoral arteries with thromboticocclusion.
In case of the BEP, the incidence of perforation of the arterial wall was high as compared with the MTP. However, laser angioplasty with angioscopic guidance could reduce the perforation rate, and made it possible to observe the new channel recanalized by lasering.
In case of the MTP, it was confirmed that the smaller MTP showed higher tip temperature and was more effective on plaques under the same laser energy. Optimal laser energy for single ablation was from 15J to 25J in case of 2.0mm tip and from 30J to 40J in case of 2.5mm tip. Application of the MTP equipped with thermal feedback control system could avoid the excessive thermal damage in comparison with the conventional MTP. It was considered that optimal temperature of the MTP equipped with thermal feedback control system rahged between 200°C and 300°C.
It was concluded that laser angioplasty would be a useful treatment for the occlusive diseases of the peripheral arterles.

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