[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1023KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 91(9): 1413-1416, 1990

Report on the annual meeting


Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Tatsuumi Sasaki, Keno Mashiko, Asatoshi Mizuno, Hideki Takayasu, Yoshihiko Mochizuki, Michihiko Matsui, Tatsuta Arai

Effects of ultrasonic stimulation in the ventricular function were investigated by using two different experimental models.
1. Isolated rat heart perfusion model
The myocardial stimulation with ultrasound brought better cardiac functions in the reperfusion period after the cardioplegic arrest. By the addition of verapamil in the cardioplegic solution, those effects were not antagonized on the cardiac functions. When the ATP was used as an additive of the cardioplegic solution with symotenious use of ultrasound, the concentration of ATP was maintained well without any depletion.
2. Right heart bypass model
A canine right heart bypass model under the extracoaporeal circulation was applied to evaluate the effcacy of ultrasonic stimulation. After 30 minutes of normothermic arrest, the recovery of cardiac functions was significantly better in the dogs which had the administrtion of ultrasound.
Those results suggest the effectiveness of ultrasonic stimulation in the ischemic heart, and put trust in the clinical use in the future.

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