[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1532KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 91(9): 1295-1297, 1990

Report on the annual meeting


Department of Pediatric Surgery, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan

Shinkichi Kamata, Toshimichi Hasegawa, Hiromi Okuyama, Shiro Ishikawa, Masahiro Fukuzawa, Kenji Imura, Akira Okada

One hundred and fifty-two fetal cases were experienced at Osaka University and related hospitals from 1979 to April, 1990. These included 4 of anomalies of central nervous system, 15 of anomalies of thorax, 25 of alimentary tract obstruction, 28 of abdominal wall defects, 35 of anomalies of uriary tract, 21 of benign tumors and 24 of non-immune fetal hydrops. Intrauterine treatments including sclerosing for lymphangioma, thoracenthesis for chiro- and hydro-thorax and vesico-amniotic shunting for urethral atresia and extrauterine surgical therapy including ECMO were performed for fetuses with cardio-pulmonary failure. Out of 152 cases, 64 cases died mainly because of hypoplastic lung with circulatory failure. These results indicated circulatory assistance should be considered for improving the prognosis of fetal diseases.

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