[Abstract] [Full Text PDF] (in Japanese / 1757KB) [Members Only And Two Factor Auth.]

J.Jpn. Surg. Soc.. 91(9): 1260-1263, 1990

Report on the annual meeting


Second Department of Surgery, Asahikawa Medical College, Asahikawa, Japan

Mitsuo Kusano, Akira Kushibe, Michio Mito

Evaluation of cell kinetics is playing an increasingly significant role in clinical practice.
In this study, the nuclear DNA content and S-phase labeling index (L.I.) of tumors were evaluated using flow cytometry and anti-BrdU immuno-histochemical staining, so as to determine correlations with their clinical features.
The highest frequency of DNA aneuploidy (D. ane.) was detected in esophageal cancer (13/14, 92.8%). In hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and rectal cancer, it was 75.7% (25/33) and 74.3% (29/39) respectively, whereas in gastric cancer it was rather low (36/78, 46.1%). In a total of 217 tumors, D. an. was found in 138 (63.5%). DNA stemline heterogeneity was found in around 30% of the tumors. The relevance of D. an. to the prognosis of patients with gastric cancer and HCC was assessed. A significant difference in 5-year surviva1 was observed in Borrmann type 3 gastric cancer and HCC after surgery. In 64 tumors, the S-phase L.I was also investigated, but no relationship was shown between DNA ploidy and the L.I. Accordingly, these two parameters may be independent prognostic indicators.
Rapid measurement by FCM enables us to analyze tumors within 6 minutes, which may expand the clinical applicability of immediate diagnosis before or during surgery.

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